First and foremost, Sir Tucker Carlson, it’s no way shape or form for (D) Hawaii Senator Mazie Hrono and (D) Illinois Senator Tammy Duckworth to defend America in a individualized way, as act of extremism. As if Women version of defense is a weapon of mass destruction. Just what has been pitched? Is it, America is a humanitarian? And America, the humanitarian, will not tolerate any form of supremacist driven conspiracy as our nation motto? Yes, but of course

We wonder, if Sir Tucker Carlson knows where he is? Is he aware, America was structured by the motto America is home of the free because of the brave? Because he acts like, behave as if, he suffers from some type of third worldly processing, where anything goes. There are no rules, no laws, and sure no regulations to speak of. A nation of Men that possess ideology of discipline does not apply to me, discipline applies to those I say it applies to

In all due respect, Sir Turker Carlson, we are quite curious, why there is a perception among straight, White, Men that anyone outside of straight, White, Men, that we are all required to seek approval by ask permission? Are we, missing apart of the puzzle, where without that piece of the puzzle, we Women folk are destined to remain clueless and its our own fault if we are confused?

The assumption by Sir Tucker Carlson, that Catholics are all and nothing but Pro- Life thus its wrong on all fronts for Women to even dare question the validity of its belief system. How dare Women! Shame on Women! Shame! Shame!

Well, there is a discrepancy, we Women find is not of humanitarian, and because it isn’t of humanitarian, a step up is in order. Look, Sir Tucker Carlson, see it? The EYE of the storm is closing in fast, so fast, we cant measure it. The situation, that has befold, is beyond questioning.

The Catholic Church is not Pro-Life across the board. In fact, Catholics regard LGBTQ lives as upworthy, and not qualified to exist and destined to be executed by Church quickly chip away at LGBTQ freedoms. Deprive LGBTQ of human rights.

We are all aware, the deprivation of any portion of a human right results in great suffering. By Church expect LGBTQ to accept they are isolated, no right to reject the Church shove them into isolation. As reject Church ideology is situated by Church as infringe on its Religous liberties. What happens, you suppose, when a person is shoved into isolation and denied the right to be among the human population? Is the maneuver guarantee anxiety, panic, and depression set in. And once those emotions set in, as the emotions are in high gear, and no relief of such feeling, in sight. Its imminent, the loss of self confidence and self esteem, a “I do not matter” is forcing LGBTQ to become suicidal. Just how is deprive a class of persons peace, and happiness, because they are ideally, just have always exercised individualism, expected to commit suicide, as a Pro-Life measure?

Since we are on a roll, what is it Sir Tucker Carlson stipulated, BLM is the second coming of rerun Black Panther organization, neither a revolutionary civil rights movement ?

Question. What we Women do not understand, why is the formation of a diverse and inclusion program regarded as pessimistic? Would it be, programs such as these, which encourage American citizens to govern themselves, threaten the very existence of do as I say not as I do conformity?

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