Before Christ, unfortunately Greeks took it upon themselves, to form what is called an established order of political policy. As such a establishment, was by the Greeks standards, a guarantee it never lose its supremacy, it believed it possessed.

Why all the narcissism? Well, Greek philosophers suffered from the misconception that Women, and her Children freedom is what Men say it is. And the mere concept of Women, ever govern herself, or her own children was regarded by Greeks as infringe on Men leadership roles. You see, Greek Men deem Men are only qualified to be in leadership roles. Men are leaders of Women. Women dont lead Men. The incite by reinforce abuse against Women is Greek law.

The reason why Greeks spawned an established order of political policy? Well, obviously, right, as Greeks saw it, its philosophy was being ignored. Greeks had to act fast, or felt they would lose everything they have been working against. What was it Greeks working against besides render Women exercise her individualism as a dangerous threat to Men unlimited freedoms? Well Greeks believed, Women were placed on earth by a male deity. And that the male deity must be held in high regard, praised, a ” thank you for sending such a gift to us to take full advantage of … “

And so it came to be, the establishment of dogmatic policy, what better way, then form a establishment in which to reinforce her only purpose? A slave. And such an establishment pleases the male deity, doesn’t it? Greeks sacrifice Women individualism to generate unlimited fortune. Hence the birth of Religion.

When Jesus Christ began his individualized quest to infuse the population with his version of be of humanitarian as he himself felt was instructed by the spirit guide, Father in heaven, it did not take long for Greek philosophers to receive word there is a Man by the name of Jesus Christ, a humanitarian Sir

Greek philosophers learned about the Man who was instructing the people to do ( and say) the opposite of Greek philosophy. We can only imagine, what type of bodily harm threats, and other forms of personal injury he was subjected to, if he didn’t fall inline behind Greeks dogmatic policy.

We are sure, Greeks are behind the downfall of humanitarian effort influenced by Jesus Christ. Why we believe it so? Well, if it was not for the Catholics implement Greek systematic ritual abuses against Women, as it’s very own blueprint, the church wouldn’t have purged Women out of her appointment chosen by Jesus Christ.

Jesus Christ believes Women deserve to be protected against violence perptrated by Greek Men, so Jesus bucked Greek anti Woman ideology by hand Women leadership roles.

After Jesus Christ dissed Greeks violence against Women, he, himself was in the line of danger, just like Women were put into danger around the clock. And so its true, Jesus Christ, did not hesitate advocate on the behalf of not just Mary Magdalene but all Women. Jesus put others before himself, as he viewed selfless service as of most importance which BTW selfless service skill set is what defines a humanitarian.

Based on what we know about Greeks brutality and violent driven philosophy against Women, the reduction by its Men regard Women as an object for multiple uses. As if Women are not of flesh, but of plastic, leads us to believe, by any business, establishment and or organization which adhere to Greeks dogmatic philosophy, in America, is not qualified to receive protections. As by offer protection ( outside of a museum) is the reinforcement of brutality against Women, and against other persons deemed by the dogmatic driven business as objects of ownership. Would it then not be in the best interest of American Government to put adrupt stop to Greek sympathizers from destroying our nation use of their establishments to achieve it?

Our nation has a long standing commitment offering each Americanized individual, a near no questions asked just as long as the expressive activity is within the bounds of legality secure freedoms, package.

And based on our nation is an establishment itself, a reality check, Greek philosophy, its dogmatic policy is of foreign affairs. It is not affairs of the United States of America. And so, we ask, why is America expected to offer Greek sympathizers establishments as qualified to receive First Amendment protections?

We need to vett a establishment of what? What is the establishment philosophy? Prior to offer the establishment protection by the First Amendment. Because, in fact, it’s not wise, its not healthy either to offer protection of an establishment that expects America to accept a legal binding contract without America knowing about the establishments history of its existence.

We are not obligated as a nation to blindly sign a contract with an establishment we know nothing about. By sign blindly, is equal to establishments expecting American Governance to hand over % of its territory, because the establishment is taking over.

The First Amendment does not offer, nor does it allow foreign philosophies in the form of establishments to obtain unlimited protections in America, sorry. Our nation does not, nor will it ever be controlled, manipulated, nor deceived by an establishment that relies heavily on abusive foreign philosophy in order to secure its supremacy.

If the establishment is already in America, or it wishes to set up shop in America, a rule of thumb, the U.S. Constitution was created by and for Americans and what that means, America has it’s own philosophies, and America, its philosophies will not take a backseat, while foreign philosophies are inserted as if they are Americans philosophies by establishments proclaiming to be of Religion.

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